your personal wine ambassador
Tracy Jamerson
Born and raised in Kansas City, Missouri, I am a self-proclaimed "winepreneur" that has a passion for powerful Reds. I enjoy reading, travel, spending time with my family and friends, fine dining, and event planning. I was COMPLETELY sold on Boisset at my first tasting where I immediately joined the Wine Society, then became an Ambassador a few months later. Boisset has given me a deeper understanding of how pairing the right food with their magnificent wines makes the wine EXPLODE in your mouth. Even the varietals I thought I did not like! I want you to have that experience as well! Please explore my website. I know you will find something that intrigues you, a wine you would like to taste yourself and share with your family or friends. Then, contact me so that we may consult and get your personal tasting booked! Boisset - Curate, Cultivate, Celebrate.